Mental health - Civil servant super hero stickers...

The project

I have always been very open about my mental health. From a young age I struggled with confidence, bullying and sadly, self harm. I strongly believe though that this greatly contributed to the empathetic and emotionally supportive person I am today.

I figured I would put my creativity to good use to create a sticker that represented how I feel about my work and something that I am close to - what better theme than mental health.

Getting inspiration from Twitter

Whilst perusing twitter I noticed a conversation between some civil servants about mental health and that how do people help others that might be struggling.

One senior civil servant commented that they seek out people that they can help, as by doing so it helps them feel better.

Initially I offered to help someone (oh the irony!) who wanted to design some stickers around that mantra of helping others.

I had a few conversations about what they wanted the design to feel like and we discussed font and imagery and messaging. The standard 'client' and designer back and forth that happens in a design brief.

Unfortunately due to busy schedules the sticker design process fell flat and lost momentum.

Until I started at the MoJ...

I've always been obsessed with a good sticker and in December 2019, shortly after joining the MOJ I felt inspired to have another crack at what i'd started.

I've spent the best part of my 17 year career working in the public sector. Often, working in the public sector is seen as less exciting work, less benefits - an inferior environment to private sector.

However. We help others get things done that they need to, often in difficult times. I'm not saying we are super heroes, but...well...yeah I kind of am.

I used this idea of superheros to create some new designs based on the marvel characters (deciding to leave out my favourite - the hulk - we don't always smash stuff in the public sector) and pairing it with the phrase borrowed from the SCS on Twitter...

Find someone you can help
Superhero stickers
The superheros represent the incredible kindness and empathy of Civil Servants and how we can all help people during hard times.

I created a bulk of these designs for all the marvel (and my wife's favourite, Batman which is obviously DC!) characters and had them printed by a company called Diginate who created some wonderful quality stickers.

I wanted to give these to people - not just any people - those who genuinely have a desire to want to help people, that might go some way to helping themselves.

I sent quite a few around the MoJ Mental Health community group - have sent some to the civil servant who established the saying. But most recently I gave one to a best friend who has always been a bit of a rock to me in the past.

This was what his wife posted and if the above wasn't enough to make it a worthwhile project, this was.

Instagram post
Instagram quoteIn a time where we are all feeling uncertain and all of our mental health is being pushed to breaking point. My husband brought home this sticker and it just makes sense.

It doesn't matter where people put these, the fact that people can take such a simple message and use it to potentially turn someone's day into a positive is truly a marvel* of human nature and compassion.

* (the pun wasn't intended but at 3am writing this maybe it was)

Oh, but there's a sequel!

Amanda Smith, our Head of User Centred Policy Design at the MoJ, who is an absolute hero in our community, said to me that they would love to see a Black Panther sticker. Due to time (having had a baby) and funds (moving into our first home) I haven't been able to create these.

But I will shortly be creating a commemorative sticker in honour of Chadwick Boseman who helped so many people in so many ways and was truly a superhero, the Black Panther.

Watch this space...